Market Sense


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CK Choy.

Market Sense 市场意识: November 2011
Be decisive, Be patient, Don’t be greedy, Don't be stubborn


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Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Why It's So Easy to Lose Money in the Markets

Well, let's look at a few reasons:
1) The stocks and indices most familiar to traders have provided the worst returns.
2) The time frame most comfortable for short-term traders (daytrading) has provided the worst returns.
3) The growth of stock index and ETFs has created automated arbitrage strategies that have greatly diminished market trending.
4) Markets tend to confound human nature by refusing to do in the next time period what they have done in the previous one.
5) Because of the above, following normal human sentiment makes people lose money in the markets, almost as if the game is rigged.
6) Because markets change their trending and volatility over time, we'll always tend to be most confident just as things are turning--and overconfidence is deadly.
7) There's no minor league for trading: once you place your order, you're up against the pros, who have a lot of tools at their disposal.
I've learned many things from traders, but this perhaps is most important: The most successful traders and trading organizations I've had the pleasure of getting to know are constantly adapting to changing market conditions. They don't rely on a single trading model; they are always modeling. They do not scalp the midday hours the same as they approach the early morning. They know the difference between a market with active institutional participation and one dominated by locals--and trade accordingly.
People are comfortable with the known, and that keeps them static. It is so easy to lose money in the markets, because markets are dynamic.


Created 11/14/2011 - 14:15

《The Great Wall of Money》報告指出,2012年投向環球房地產市場的投資金額預期為3160億美元,較2010年底估算的投資金額下跌4%。這是自2009年年底以來,環球房地產市場的投資金額首次沒有出現預期的增長。原因是基金較難籌集新資金,轉而調動現有資金以作投資用途。


《The Great Wall of Money》報告追蹤環球新資金直接購買房地產的情況,並介紹目前市場的新機遇。各地區中,新籌集資金上升的只有美洲,較上一次統計時增加3%至1140億美元;反觀亞太區的新籌得資金則較上次統計時跌12%至910億美元,歐洲亦跌3%至1110億美元。

撰寫報告的Nigel Almond說,由於環球經濟前景再添陰霾,更多基金利用現有資金作投資,各地市場新籌集的資金也減少。亞太區物業價格較理想,吸引更多基金,令區內在2010年至2011年上半年間的物業交易量大增。









DTZ戴德梁行全球研究部主管Hans Vrensen表示,雖然房地產比其它資產有更高的投資價值,但環球市場的不明朗,將在未來一段日子影響新資金的籌集。


Source/转贴/Extract/Excerpts: 星洲日報
Publish date:14/11/11

HSI: the upside prevails

Straits Times Index: bullish bias above 2740

Smart money nibbles at Asian equities

Emerging market funds prove attractive as share prices plummet

By Goh Eng Yeow
14 November 2011

It would take an investor with a strong stomach to put up with the roller-coaster which hit global stock markets last week.

But while worries about Greece and Italy were occupying the newspaper headlines, the smart money was quietly nibbling at Asian equities as their share prices plummeted along with those in the rest of the world.

Data from Citi Investment Research shows that funds investing in emerging markets equities attracted about US$2.1billion (S$2.7 billion) in fresh money last week.

Although this was lower than the US$3.5 billion received in the previous week, the inflow suggested that investors were picking up stocks again, as they overcame the jitters that had kept them sidelined since early August.

The Citi data also showed that, within Asia, funds investing in Hong Kong and China equities stayed as the key winners for a second week, receiving the bulk of the new money, followed by Taiwan.

This is not surprising, considering that China was one of the few bright spots for investors, with a drop in inflation suggesting that the world’s No. 2 economy might have successfully engineered a soft landing.

For the week, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was up 1.41 per cent, propelled by a strong showing on Friday.

Singapore’s benchmark Straits Times Index, however, fell 2.03 per cent, as investors dumped blue-chips such as Noble Group, Wilmar International and Genting Singapore, following their third-quarter results.

Still, the steady trickle of investors back into the market has revived hopes that the much-awaited traditional Santa rally is around the corner.

But in order to get the bulls galloping again, conditions in Europe will have to stabilise.

Last week, global stock markets suffered a seizure as Italian borrowing costs headed past 7 per cent into bailout territory, before enjoying a spectacular rebound on Friday, as yields fell back to 6.5 per cent.

To some investors, the rout suffered by Italian bonds resembled an old-fashioned bank run where panicky depositors rush to take out their money for fear that the bank will fail.

But in this case, the run was on something far bigger - the world’s seventh largest economy to be precise, and that could well have horrendous consequences beyond jittery depositors.

True, Italy may be one of the world’s most heavily indebted countries, owing about €2 trillion (S$3.5 trillion). But that does not mean it is in imminent danger of going bankrupt.

In fact, much of its debt is owned by its citizens, who have an estimated total wealth of €10 trillion and are unlikely to want their country to go into default.

For a bank run to subside, the besieged lender turns to a lender of last resort - usually the country’s central bank - to supply ample cash to meet depositors’ demands and restore faith that their money is in safe hands.

For Italy, the lender of last resort is the European Central Bank and it was the massive purchase of Italian bonds by the ECB that helped to push Italian bond yields down and stabilise the market.

But there is one problem. Market strategists noted that the ECB’s current ad hoc approach makes any relief temporary.

‘The ECB should be committing to unlimited purchases of Italian bonds in order to ward off speculators. Unfortunately, it remains reluctant to do this,’ said Mr Shane Oliver, AMP Capital Investors’ head of investment strategy.

This reluctance may be what is holding back the bulls from breaking into a trot to get the Santa rally going.     

Sunday, 6 November 2011



▲蘇松泙逾40年,自創「不蝕本投資 術」,積小勝為大勝(攝影者.許世穎)





























Source/转贴/Extract/Excerpts: 商業周刊 第1245期
Publish date: 03/10/11